Saturday, October 29, 2011

Testing Circus Thanks Its Readers

We would like to thank all our 4700+ subscribers who have chosen to receive the magazine in their inbox. The growing number of subscribers impose on us a greater responsibility to serve you better with our unique content, style, design and communication.

Testing Circus - Total Subscribers at Google Group | Click on Image to enlarge.

Ever increasing activity in our website every month is a proof of our readers' love for our content month after month.

Testing Circus - Total Readers/Visitors/Page Views in last one year | Click on Image to enlarge.

It is only possible when best breed of writers write for us. Thanks to all the writers who have contributed their articles for our magazine.

For those who have not subscribed to the magazine can easily subscribe from here. (Only one valid email id required.)

Disclaimer : Total Visitors is not equal to readers. If the visitors or page views are equal to readers we would have over one lac readers since we started publishing in September 2010. 

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Bug deBug – Gateway To The World Of Sotware Testing Insights & Learning

Bug deBug ( is the brain child of RIA-RUI ( that organizes software testing conferences across prominent IT cities across India.

RIA-RUI is Society for Rich Internet Application - Rich User Interface is a not-for-profit organization promoting congregation of ideas & knowledge in the field of Rich Internet Application(RIA) and Rich User Interface(RUI). The society is working hard to bring high quality technical events to India by partnering with local and international organizations.
RIA-RUI is committed to bring several world class events to India customized for the benefit of the local technical community and students.

What is Bug deBug?
Bug deBug is a software testing conference aimed to promote Software Testing, its importance and the latest trends on testing. This event is an initiative by RIA-RUI Society supported by Chennai Software Testing Group (

An event that will focus on the latest topics, testing idea, testing competitions to make you think out of the box for your daily testing activities.

It is an event that will boost one’s testing career and will be useful for annual review meetings.

The first conference in Software Testing happened on Jan 29 2011 at Tidel Park, Chennai and was a sweeping success with nearly 300 people attending this event. The event details can be seen here

Bug deBug is happening again in Madurai, this event is supported by SIDA (

We have one of the best speaker’s line up and covering various interesting topics during the conference the details of which can be seen here

To register for the event click on

Why Bug-de-Bug?

Low Cost

Bug-de-Bug conducts a very high profile conference at a very affordable price which makes it convenient even for a student to attend it.

Speakers Galore

The speakers who are chosen to speak in this conference are the most popular people who are renowned in the testing industry and are deemed as ‘Testing Gurus’ by most of them.

Bug-de-Bug is a gateway to listen to the golden words and guidelines from eminent speakers from the industry and acquire rich knowledge and skills from them.

Also one gets to personally interact and network with them.

So many professionals all under one roof – One cannot afford to miss out on this golden opportunity.

Events at Bug-de-Bug

The events and topics spoken during the conference is always mind blowing wherein one gets to hear and learn about the most happening in the testing industry, emerging trends and also learn new things.

Benefits from Bug-de-Bug Conferences

  • One gets to meet and network with experienced Software Testers across the globe.
  • To know and learn more on Software Testing
  • To know the importance of implementing testing in organization.
Testing Circus is the online event partner of Bug-de-Bug testing conference. 

Monday, August 15, 2011

#CAST2011 Tweets Captured by @TestingCircus Team

6th annual Conference of the Association for Software Testing, CAST2011 was held from 8th August to 10th August 2011. The twitter world was flooded with #CAST2011 tweets. It was a live experience for those who could not attend the conference reading and following the live tweets from the venue.

We at Testing Circus have captured the tweets with #CAST2011 hashtags and here we present the tweets in four parts. Here are few pointers to consider about captured tweets -

1. Tweets were captured from 8th August after the conference started.
2. Last tweet captured was on 15th August Morning.
3. We have tried to captured all informations on #CAST2011 but we may have missed some tweets.
4. Timing of tweets mentioned as occured in Indian Standard Time.
5. Part 1 contains twitter profile photos of tweeples.
6. Part 2 to Part 4 do not have profile photos.

Download - Part 1 (PDF).
Download - Part 2 (PDF).
Download - Part 3 (PDF).
Download - Part 4 (PDF).

If you liked it please share your feedback in our comment section.

Check our Magazine at and download our current and previous issues.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Testing Circus - Good and Bad Interview Questions

This topic was initiated in twitter with hashtag #1B1G meaning "one good question and one bad question" for software testing interviews. Many people responded in different ways. So we decided to start this as a discussion topic in our blog. 

Few responses that we got from twitter so far -
@ "What is testing?" Good question if it asked by who has done testing and bad if who had not done ever and still asking. :

@ Bad - what is the diff between smoke/sanity testing. Good - which understanding of differ between smoke/sanity do you subscribe

@ Bad - What is the relation between environment reality and testing phases? Good - Test environment should be as close to production as possible. How close and why?

@ Would be difficult to categorize questions as good or bad. I think it's more about answers and how you interfere them

@ @ Not only who is asking, but to whom it is being asked also makes it good/bad. What if you ask a fresher about this?

@ @ @ .A question is never  or .Its the information it can deliver judge the quality of that question. :)

@ @ @ It is also how it is asked. May be tone also has the potential to make it good or bad.

So please share your thoughts as comments. We will try to consolidate the discussion and print in Testing Circus future edition.